Award Rules

2025C Award Program  from 18.01. to 31.03.2025   

In the period from January 18th (00:00 UTC) to March 31st (23:59 UTC) 2025, QSOs with the DL2025x-SES according to the team overview are valid for the online 2025C Award Program. (Rules)

The awards can be acquired worldwide by all licensed ham radio amateurs and SWLs (with and without call signs). For the 2025C award program, only QSOs with the five DL2025x SES are valid. (see Teams):


Ham Radio Event 2025C


Ranking  TOP500 RankingCERTIFICATES

paper checklist to tick off

Awards 2025C

Below is the number of award points for a QSO in the respective main mode per SES and band and calendar month (January, February, March / 2025):  // see example

5 points – CW
4 points – PHONE (e.g. USB, LSB, FM, Digital Voice)
3 points – DIGITAL (e.g. PSK, FT8, FT4, RTTY!) NOTE on FT4/FT8

The total number of points required for the awards are differentiated according to the participant categories DL, EU and Non-EU. The differentiation takes place automatically based on the call sign.

Awards are awarded for the modes Mixed, CW, Phone and Digital, each in three levels: BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD. All awards can be personalized and are numbered when first downloaded.

Conditions for SWLs

The award points apply analogously to SWLs. But there are special things to note. /Award conditions SWL

NOTE: The organizer reserves the right to exclude stations from the award and certificat in the event of unsportsmanlike conduct or violations of applicable law.

Numbered awards for download

A completed award is automatically numbered in the order of the issued awards when it is first (!) downloaded. For each participant category DL. EU, non-EU extra! The awards are free of charge and can only be obtained via this website until December 31st, 2025. ( via Query/Log-Awards-dQSL)

For the period  from 01.04. to 31.12.2025 

In a second phase from April 1st to the end of 2025, all SES will continue to embody the European Capital of Culture theme, but they will now operate more sporadically and less as a team on the bands. The focus here is on distributing the individual special DOK and the associated offer to secure further external diplomas (e.g. DLD, Saxony Award and KIDS DIPLOM) through a QSO with the SES and direct confirmation via the DCL.