All SWL reports, QSL (dQSL) and the 2025C Awards are generally only processed online via this website.
The applicant must manually upload the SWL reports to our log/award server. To do this, the SWL must first register once in order to receive a password to access a personal page on Logbook SWL on the server.
To do this, the SWL must first register once in order to receive a password to access a personal logbook page on the server.
Where do I get this password?
Send us an email to requesting a password (stating your SWL call sign *)
You will then be given a login on the server and the password will be sent to you. NOTE: Processing on the server and sending of the password will be done promptly, but can sometimes take a few hours.
* You don’t have an SWL call sign yet, but you’re still interested? No problem. Then just enter your name instead. Note: Your awards and dQSL cards will also be issued under this name.
Login to your logbook
Enter your SWL call sign (or login name) and the password sent to you. Please enter your QSO data into the logbook that now opens.
Special features of the SWL report
First special feature: Two counterpart stations
We only expect QSOs that you have actually heard yourself and not a cluster transcript! Therefore, for every QSO a second counterpart station must generally be specified within a time frame of max. 20 minutes. (The time of the first counterpart station must be entered!) NOTE: A log entry can only be made successfully if it is verified and (then) accepted by the server! For this to happen, the SES log must already be available on the server. Please take this possible delay and the following note into account!)
Second special feature: Temporary log entries (notes with example)
If you have already made your log entry (logbook overview example) before the SES log was available on the server, you will receive an error message “Log was searched… QSO not in the log”. As there is a possibility that the SES log is not yet available on the server, your log entry will now be saved temporarily. If all the data was correct, these entries will then be automatically transferred when the SES is uploaded (later). However, the data is only transferred to the SWL logbook on the DAY AFTER the SES log upload, as the server synchronization for this takes place at night.
Query Points/Download Awards/Ranking/dQSL
Link to the query page
Award Rules SWL
The Award Rules SWL basically correspond to those of transmitting ham radio amateurs. (Awards 2025C) The points are awarded when the log is entered after automatically verification.
Ranking /Top 500
The SWLs are also included in a ranking of the TOP 500. After the end of the 2025C award event, it will be possible to have these rankings confirmed in a CERTIFICATE from April 1, 2025.
dQSL also for SWL
A QSL confirmation for SWLs is only made here via our website in the form of a dQSL (downloadable QSL for printig or filing). For each listening report automatically checked and verified by the logbook server, a dQSL is offered by the respective DL2025xx-SES. (via Button at the end of the log line)